Five members of the notorious James Reynolds gang of Confederate raiders were captured by citizens and Colorado soldiers near Canon City, Colorado, in September 1864. Citing authority granted him by Colorado’s militia law, Colonel John M. Chivington ordered Captain Theodore Cree to take the criminals to Fort Lyon to stand in military trial for crimes committed in the state, including robbery and assault. The gang members, including Jim Reynolds himself, were killed by Cree’s company en route, raising speculation in some political camps that an execution without proper trial occurred. Chivington’s political opponents claimed this incident was another example of the controversial Colonel’s heavy-handed rule over the Colorado Territory. The Rocky Mountain News, a supporter of both Chivington and Governor John Evans’ candidacy in the upcoming elections, published the following editorial in defense of the Reynolds incident.
Rocky Mountain News, September 9, 1864
We probably shall never again have occasion to mention the Reynolds Guerilla band except as a thing of the past. Of the nine that originally formed it, six have gone to their last accounts. Stowe (some say Singletary) was killed in the Platte Canyon when they were first dispersed and five were afterwards taken prisoner and brought to Denver. Here they had a military examination and though we know not what was its proceedings, we have been informed that the prisoners were very impudent and defiant, Jim Reynolds particularly openly boasting that he had intended to destroy Denver and that he expected yet to lay the city in ashes. He boasted of his lawless acts and that he was (illegible) to emulate Quantrile (sic).
Last Saturday morning, the prisoners were placed in charge of Co. A, 3rd Col. Cav. for removal to Fort Lyon. On the road, we learn that they were impudent and insulting to the soldiers and abused all the Colorado volunteers. At California Ranch they were especially abusive and insolent. Captain Cree was obliged to interfere and send his men away, after which he warned the prisoners that they must treat his soldiers with respect or he would not answer to the consequences that they had already made them so angry that he could hardly control them.
Beyond the point named a few miles at the old Russellville townsite, the wagon containing the prisoners and its guard had fallen fifty or sixty rods behind the command when they halted to water their horses. Whilst doing so, the prisoners made a concerted attempt to escape when they were fired upon by the guard and all immediately killed. So we learn from various sources, and publish to quiet the thousand and one reports, rumors and surprises respecting the matter that have been rife in our community since yesterday noon.
But few will regret their end, and many will breathe easier that they are gone. Their acts of robbery, rapine and murder are avenged, and some more of the actors in the Lawrence masacre (sic) have gone to their last account.
The three who escaped were pursued by Captain (Charles) Kerber away into the mountains of New Mexico before he lost their trail. He followed them with his command two hundred and twenty miles in two days.
Related Information:
Attorney S.E. Browne letter to General Curtis Regarding the Reynolds Gang
Chivington and the Reynolds Gang